
Framer A/B split testing software concept

My role

Product Designer
Web Designer
UX Researcher


2 months


Figma, Framer, Notion, Tally

Framer Metrics

Framer Metrics

Framer Metrics

This project includes UX research, product design, and web design. It features user-friendly application screens for easy experiment setup and analysis, along with engaging marketing pages to attract and inform users.


I wanted to challenge myself with a larger project, having previously worked only on smaller ones. I decided to create both an application and its marketing pages. This is my first time designing a detailed design system for an application, which proved essential for creating the screens. Additionally, it was exciting to design more application screens than I had before.

The idea for Framer Metrics came from my difficulty finding an A/B testing software that integrates easily with Framer. I wanted to create a solution that allows seamless integration, making it simple for designers to run and analyze experiments without the hassle of complex setups or coding. With Framer Metrics, users can effortlessly set up tests, track results, and refine their designs, all within the Framer environment. This project aims to bridge the gap between design and analytics, offering a user-friendly tool tailored to Framer users' needs.

Application design & screen flows

The application screens are designed to make creating and understanding experiments easy for users. Each screen is clear and intuitive, helping users navigate and use features efficiently. Our layout ensures users can set up and analyze experiments quickly and easily.


Track key metrics, monitor A/B test progress, and stay organized—all in one platform.


Manage and track all your A/B tests in one place, from setup to completion

Individual experiment

View insights for each A/B test, including variant performance and statistical significance.

The marketing pages are designed to clearly highlight key features and benefits. Each page is structured to engage visitors with clear calls to action and attractive layouts. The goal is to provide an easy and informative experience, helping users understand the product's value and encouraging them to take action.

Next project



Autopilot is a workflow automation software designed to streamline your tasks. It integrates seamlessly with your favorite apps, allowing you to automate processes.

Autopilot is a workflow automation software designed to streamline your tasks. It integrates seamlessly with your favorite apps, allowing you to automate processes.

2 spots available

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2 spots available

It's time for you to prevail on the web!

Need help building a website, creating a design system, or designing a SaaS product? I'm here to help bring your ideas to life. With creativity and expertise, we can create something amazing. Reach out, and let's start the journey together!

Enabling SaaS companies to prevail on the web

© 2024 Webprevail. All rights reserved.

2 spots available

It's time for you to prevail on the web!

Need help building a website, creating a design system, or designing a SaaS product? I'm here to help bring your ideas to life. With creativity and expertise, we can create something amazing. Reach out, and let's start the journey together!

Enabling SaaS companies to prevail on the web

© 2024 Webprevail. All rights reserved.